For Orchestra Members

Thalia Allied Artist Chamber Music Library

Key: S= strings W= winds B-brass M-mixed (includes with piano/keyboard)

* To all 3 lists
* by Composer
* by Title
* by instrumentation

Terms of Borrowing

  1. No charge for borrowing, but a $25 deposit check is required for each work checked out. The deposit check will not be cashed if all parts are returned as agreed.
  2. Donations to support the expenses of the orchestral library will be much appreciated.
  3. There is no standard time limit, but each borrower will agree on and be held to a date to return the music
  4. Borrowers will need to pick up and return pieces at our house in N Seattle, or I could bring them or pick them up at a PNW rehearsal. We are not planning to run a mail-order operation.

For borrowing requests or more information, e-mail Ann Rackl.