Philharmonia Northwest’s
Music Connections Program

As part of its mission, PNW is committed to reaching the community through music, beyond our regularly scheduled concerts. We believe that by engaging further with our audience, students, and neighbors we ensure the future of classical music, and have a bit of fun while we’re at it!


Several times throughout the season we contact student orchestras, dance schools, and choirs to bring them into our concerts for the opportunity to perform with our musicians. It’s always a pleasure to work alongside the next generation of artists in our area.

Open Rehearsals

PNW invites elementary schools to observe our final dress rehearsal before subscription concerts. This casual and welcoming environment is a great introduction into the world of classical music, and the students are given the opportunity to ask questions of our conductor and musicians afterward.

Outreach Presentations and Concerts

Throughout the season, we send small ensembles to schools and retirement communities to give outreach concerts. These highly-varied programs are tailored to the recipient and range from instrument introductions and demonstrations, to class accompaniment, to holiday concerts, and more!

Concert Preludes/Enrichment

Before each of our St. Stephen’s concerts we present a pre-concert experience for our patrons to help them learn more about the program’s composers, pieces, history, context, or related field. Our aim is to make them more than your typical pre-performance lecture, so the format is also changing based on the theme of the concert.